8 things you need to know about Old Mutual’s new funeral insurance
If you happen to be the breadwinner in your family, forking out over R200 000 for various family funerals over the course of your life, might not be an over-exaggeration. Can you really afford for this to happen? What impact will this have on your own short-term and long-term saving ambitions? Old Mutual has just […]
Why do you need Severe Illness Cover if you are on a medical aid?
Private healthcare in South Africa doesn’t come cheap! Most households that can afford to belong to a medical aid scheme spend a few thousand bucks a month for the reassurance that if they get sick, they can afford the best treatment possible. You might have more than enough medical savings for day-to-day GP visits, but […]
Has 2020 changed your financial goals?
2020 has probably made you realise how quickly things can change and it has you re-evaluating what you want out of life, for you and your family. We all have things we’re looking forward to doing, working towards and planning. If you and your family’s bucket list has been getting a little longer and your […]
Why shouldn’t you delay your decision to take out life insurance?
Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing something, and we are all guilty of it. Sure, some of us are a little better than others at ticking things off our to-do list, but most of us can’t say we’ve never put off until tomorrow what we could get done today. Why is it important […]
A Retirement Annuity that caters for life’s twists and turns
Saving for your retirement is a long-term strategy that could see you committing for 40-years plus. There is, however, just one glaring issue with a commitment that long into the future, right? Nobody knows what life is going to throw at us tomorrow, let alone a week down the line, or even decades from now. […]