Medical Aid vs. Medical Insurance: What’s the Difference?

In South Africa, having some form of medical cover is not just a good idea—it’s essential. The state of the public healthcare system leaves much to be desired, and without private healthcare cover, you risk significant financial strain if you fall ill. That said, many South Africans face financial challenges, making it difficult to afford […]

Why you can’t afford not to have Medical Gap Cover!

Medical gap cover

It was going to happen sooner or later and you were always going to be the loser. What am I on about? Behind the scenes, there is a battle going on between two industries – the medical schemes and the insurance companies. The loser has always been the insurance industry, but ultimately it’s you. Medical […]

Things you should consider if your medical aid is too expensive!

medical aid

Are you thinking about taking out a “hospital insurance” policy of sorts? Perhaps your medical aid contributions are getting a little heavy, and you are considering canceling your membership to free up some spare cash every month? Might be a plan, but before you pick up the phone and skop your medical aid into touch, […]

All you need to know about Zestlife Gap Cover


Today we’re asking two questions: Is gap cover a waste of money? Is Zestlife just out there to take your money? Before we answer those questions, here are three things we hate about medical care in South Africa: Spending thousands of Rands a year on medical aid when we seldom claim The thought of having […]

Will your medical aid pay if you get sick while travelling overseas?

Winding up in hospital in South Africa can be catastrophic…even with medical aid. Imagine ending up in hospital overseas where local medical aid doesn’t work? Recently this happened to two of our clients. Both were smallish claims under R5, 000 and they both settled their own bills.  But both wanted to know if they could […]