Are all your investment eggs in one basket?

If you had to put all your eggs in one basket, would it be in an endowment or unit trust? Would it surprise you if I said it doesn’t make a difference? Let me explain why I’m writing about this. A couple of days ago I got a call from someone resigning their job. I mentioned the option […]
Two questions every pensioner asks
[banner id=”19730″] Which pays a better income when you retire – living annuity or conventional annuity? In a previous article we wrote about whether we’d recommend a living annuity to you. At the end of that article I also mentioned that I’d tell you a little on how living annuities work. Now what’s important here, is that you […]
Questions to ask before purchasing a Retirement Annuity
[banner id=”19730″] Ever wondered what you can and can’t do with your retirement annuity? Here are some humdinger questions I’ve been asked in the past: Can’t I just pay the tax and take the full amount in cash? Can I retire at a later date? I got a letter saying my retirement annuity has matured. Should I […]
Willing to lose it all because you invested in equity? Picture this for a moment. A couple of 8o year olds strapped into the “Anaconda” roller coaster at GoldReef City. The rollercoaster’s plummeting at 100km per hour, dentures are rattling around in mouths, purple permed hair pulled straight back by the G-forces, and walking sticks […]
How would your attitude to loss change if you had some serious money to invest? Over the years I’ve noticed an interesting thing – the more money people have, the less risk they’re willing to assume. Ask someone investing R500 a month to go into a high equity (Stockmarket) fund with no guarantees, and they […]