Why is medical treatment so expensive?

Are the doctors to blame, or should we be looking at the medical schemes? As someone who belongs to a medical scheme – and who is privy to a ‘behind the scenes’ look at what they don’t pay – I must admit the question keeps popping up. The sad reality is that our national health […]
Can you really trust the Genesis Medical Scheme?
Hands up if you’re convinced your medical aid will pay your hospital stay in full? After all, doesn’t the fineprint say they’ll pay 100%? But here’s the thing… It’s almost impossible to compare medical aid schemes. Let’s say for example you’re going in for a burst appendix. How much of your hospital bill will your scheme pay […]
This makes genesis private choice different from other hospital plans
So what does Genesis Private Choice hospital plan offer that most don’t? It all started with a bet. Well, not really. It started when I had a little run-in with the marketing manager at Genesis Medical Scheme. I mean, who’s ever heard of Genesis Medical Scheme? And why is their Private Choice so cheap compared to everyone […]
This is the best hospital plan money can buy
[banner id=”19730″] Take a minute to read this before answering the question below. Being on medical aid is going to cost you a lot more next year. What’s news? Every year it costs more. You’re hoping for a 5% increase next year, but if last year was anything to go by, you’re expecting 10% or more. […]