The best ways for you to choose a medical aid plan

Who’s getting the biggest chunk of your paycheque every month? Is it your bond? Maybe your car repayment? School fees? Now the great thing about all of these is that you’re getting something for your money. Eventually, that home will be yours – that car yours – but spare a moment for those expenses where […]
Should you consider a medical aid network hospital?
[banner id=”19730″] With money as tight as it is nowadays, who can blame anyone for looking for a better deal, right? And as much as we might not like to admit it, when it comes to our personal insurances, we are always looking for a better deal. It stems from not truly knowing if we […]
How To Choose A Medical Aid Scheme – Part Three
Last time we discussed step two when deciding on a medical aid scheme – establishing your needs. If you missed part one then you can read it here. Today we’re looking at step three – matching your needs to the benefits on offer. Matching your needs to benefits The first thing you need to do […]
Are you feeling ripped off by your current medical aid scheme? You’re paying an arm and a leg every month for the cover, and it seems as if you’re paying all your own expenses anyway! You’ve investigated a few other schemes but don’t have a clue how to compare the benefits, and the last thing […]