Discovery Insure | How To Earn DQ Points On VitalityDrive

In this video we demonstrate how easy it is to earn 500 DQ points (Driver Quotient) each and every month on Discovery Insure VitalityDrive.

To start off, it’s very important that you take your vehicle to your nearest Tiger Wheel and Tyre for the annual multipoint checkup. This alone will earn you 100 DQ points per month. If your vehicle passes each of the tests then you earn an additional 100 DQ points. That’s 200 DQ points per month just for taking your vehicle once a year for a checkup (Hopefully you also take yourself for a checkup once a year as well! 😆 )

Then there’s the bi-annual driving course which earns you 100 DQ points as well. Servicing your car once every year earns you another 50 DQ points.

The last two items are the quarterly online quiz and the online driver assessment. I admit that these are a pain in the “you know where” but the 150 combined DQ points make it worthwhile!

But by far the most points come from your driver score which is measured by the DQ-Track system in your vehicle.

The points work as follows:

  • Poor drivers (Guys who screech to a halt…accelerate with wheels spinning…let the tail hang out when cornering!) earn zero DQ points
  • Average drivers earn 250 DQ points a month
  • Good drivers earn 450 DQ points every month
  • Excellent drivers (that’s you and I! 😉 ) earn 750 DQ points every month!

A second factor is your claim free history:

  • No claim free years earns you – you guessed it – zero DQ points
  • One claim free year earns you 25 DQ points every month
  • Two claim free years earns you 75 DQ points a month, and
  • Three claim free years earns you 150 DQ points each and every month!

Know your status…

  • Zero to 300 DQ points puts you on ‘Base’ status, AKA a lousy driver.
  • 300 to 600 DQ points puts you on neutral status (Everyone starts off at ‘neutral’ status).
  • 600 to a 1, 000 DQ points puts you on ‘Engaged’ status
  • 1, 000 to 1, 400 DQ points puts you on top of the heap – ‘Advanced’ status!

1, 000 DQ points a month is easily achievable while 500 points is a ‘walk in the park’!


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