Dis-Chem Health
- Dis-Chem Health – Medical Insurance from R400/pm
- Unlimited GP visits, Medication, Dentistry, Maternity
- 20% discount with Extra Rewards*
With Dis-Chem Health you also get:
- No limits on GP visits
- Unlimited medication scripts for chronic conditions
- Specialist care included
- Dentist preventative treatments like, examinations, and fillings
- Optometrist visits, X-rays and health screenings and much more!
- *Dis-Chem Health policyholder access to an immediate 20% discount on a variety of healthy and essential products, 365 days a year
- Save by Combining MyHealth Core Day-to-Day Cover (with Lifestyle Benefits) + Standard Accident Cover
- Save by Combining MyHealth Core Day-to-Day Cover (with Lifestyle Benefits) + Standard Accident Cover + Medical Emergency Illness Buy-Up
- Submit your claim on the Dis-Chem Health App
Limits and exclusions apply. Insurer: Centriq Insurance FSP 3417. This is not a Medical Scheme and the cover is not the same as that of a Medical Scheme. This policy is not a substitute for a Medical Scheme. Dis-Chem Health is not a Medical Scheme or an Insurer.
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