Jak vybrat úrazové a nemocenské c: Praktický průvodce
Úrazové a nemocenské pojištění je jedním z klíčových nástrojů, jak se chránit před finančními dopady nečekaných událostí, jako jsou úrazy nebo onemocnění. Správná volba pojistky může poskytnout klid a stabilitu v těžkých chvílích, ale špatná volba může vést k nedostatečné ochraně nebo zbytečně vysokým nákladům. Zde je několik praktických tipů, jak si vybrat správné úrazové […]
Should You Put All Your Eggs in One Basket?
When it comes to life insurance, many wonder if they can split their coverage among multiple insurers. Perhaps you feel safer diversifying your policies rather than relying on just one provider. The good news? You can have life insurance policies with as many insurers as you like. However, approval for each policy isn’t guaranteed, and […]
Essential Tips for Lending Your Car to Family: What You Need to Know About Insurance
LettiLetting your spouse, child, or sibling borrow your car is common, but it comes with responsibilities—especially when it comes to insurance. Here are key factors to think about before handing over the keys: 1. Liability in Case of an Accident When someone else drives your car, vicarious liability may apply. This means you, as the […]
What relief are Insurance & Investment companies offering their clients over this Covid-19 period?
You may be wondering if there is any kind of financial relief being offered by the insurance and investment companies at the moment? We are going to take you through what each of these companies is offering you, their clients, during this time. Allan Gray If you’re paying a monthly contribution, and wish to stop […]
Stop buying insurance policies before you get to grips with these 4 questions
I recently listened to a podcast that guest-starred Elon Musk. It was a fascinating 2-hour roller coaster ride that provided some real insight into what life is probably going to look like in the next few decades. If the internet was faster (that’s the only limitation) we might already be living in some type of […]