Stop buying insurance policies before you get to grips with these 4 questions

Insurance Questions

I recently listened to a podcast that guest-starred Elon Musk. It was a fascinating 2-hour roller coaster ride that provided some real insight into what life is probably going to look like in the next few decades. If the internet was faster (that’s the only limitation) we might already be living in some type of […]

Is your medical aid ripping you off? Participate in our latest poll

A 484 page report has just been released by the Competition Commission of South Africa on the state of the private healthcare market in South Africa. The primary reason for the enquiry is the high and ever-increasing cost of private healthcare. Their findings? High costs which are rising every year even though the market is […]

Old Mutual sponsored post | What your Will document & divorce have in common

will document and divorce

Did you know that your Last Will and Testament has more in common with divorce agreements than with any other document known to mankind? Think about a divorce agreement for a moment. The two parties choose to go their separate ways. They haggle back and forward over who gets what, and finally, they sign an […]

Do you have a back-breaking “Black Tax” burden?

It’s fair to say SARS collect a fair amount of our money each month but if you’re a black South African earning an income, you might also be paying “black tax” (sharing your salary with family). Whether the notion of “black tax” is right or wrong is debatable, isn’t it? On the one side of […]